Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to All

... and to all a good night.

And I do mean all... and I do mean "Good Night".... as in Get the Hell Out!

Everyone who showed up at the Christmas Eve party tonight and caused me to be locked in the office so you wouldn't scare the hell out of me can all get get out and stay out!

I'm exhausted. That was too much party for me... or maybe it is all the Ho-Ho's Mom has been feeding me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

In Pro Purr

Mom teaches Paralegal studies to some pretty cool cats. One of her students, Mervin won an award for making Detroit a better place to live.

So, I figured, I would just tag along and help her out.

Step 1: Hide in the work bag. (Check)

Step 2: Jump out in the middle of class

Step 3: Teach these kiddies the real meaning of being In Pro Purr...

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Precious...

This is my new friend Paco. Don't mess with him or he'll kick the Paco out of you!

The girl-child sent him to me for Christmas...

We spend hours and hours racing up and down the stairs.
Mom knows how much I love him, so she used him (and treats) to lure me into learning to use the kitty door that leads to the basement.
She was so happy when I went down there by myself to use the litter.
Apparently, that's all this probation officer wanted and now, I'm officially a free kitty.

Mom didn't look like she wanted to go to work this morning, so I let Paco go with her. Apparently, she would have preferred for me to put him in her purse, rather than in her shoe, but hey, at least he got to go with her.
Here's a picture of Paco taking care of business... He's making the calls and taking down names!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I've Got A New Attitude




I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!! Woo Hoo! That feels so good.

I should have said it sooner.

I've decided to give up some of my tough guy kitty ways and become a little more domesticated.
This is my new "post." I wait on the stairs every day until my "Mom" gets home. Then I run to the kitchen and she gives me kitty treats.

The girl child tells her not to give me so many because they will make me fat, but Mom just smiles and says something about "Ho-Ho's," then gives me more. I love this woman.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baby Come Back!

She came back! I didn't realize how much I love this woman! There was no one to swat in the morning. No one to pick the alarm clock up off the floor! I guess I'll be nicer to her.

First thing I did when she got home was try to convince her never to leave again. I said, "See Mom, I can fit in the bag and go with you next time!"

See, I even packed my leaf.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Lady Thinks She's Leaving

Ok, folks... I don't know what's wrong with this lady, but she thinks she's going to spend the night somewhere other than at home in bed with me.

I'm giving it my best effort to keep her confined, but she seems pretty committed to putting stuff in this red thing.

It's on to Plan B. Steal her keys.

I know they're in here somewhere...

If I just keep searching....

Maybe if I bring back one of those leaves she gave me for my birthday, she'll stay.

I'll post again after I find it... now where did I put that leaf?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Like 'em Big... I Like 'em Crispy

My leaves that is....

I got a new leaf for my birthday. Don't tell the lady, but it was worth wearing the stupid hat.
I love playing with leaves... though the lady won't give me real ones. I look at 'em through the window... all brown and crispy!
My new leaf is plastic, so it won't die.. and it gets a little more height when it's flying down the stairs.
I've been demonstrating a few of those stealth skills I learned in Kitty Prison lately. I stole the lady's koosh ball and put it in my secret location. She kept telling me I couldn't have it. I showed her. I don't care if it was a gift from her daughter. It's in my house! I added my original leaf and my new birthday leaf to the stash. I've been screaming my head off while the lady searches and searches, but she'll never find it. I'm too good.
So, what does she do instead. Give me new stuff. Yep, that's right. If I hide my old toys, she gets me new stuff. Maybe she'll start throwing cash down the stairs next. Then maybe I can pay one of the short people a buck or two to bring me in a real leaf.
I gotta give it to the lady, though. She's finally litter trained. Yep. I said it. Litter trained. I crap, she scoops. She bought me a second litter box for downstairs and put this fancy pants fresh smelling scoopable stuff in it. Ah.... the lap of luxury. I can get with this.
Finally, a place fit for a king!
Peace out,